

Canadian Punk Legends Dayglo Abortions Release "Raised On Chest Milk" track, premiere via The Spill Magazine!


Well it's that time of the week again, Canadian Punk Legends Dayglo Abortions release their next single - "Raised On Chest Milk" from their upcoming album "Hate Speech" and premiere via The Spill Magazine. the track can be heard here:

Murray "The Cretin" Acton adds - "This lovely little song is about the rise of groupthink and the seeming inability or unwillingness of people to think for themselves. People have traditionally formed into groups to give them a bigger voice so they can bring about social change and this has been the reason for many advancements and improvements in the modern world. What seems to have happened though is the powers that desire to keep us submissive have quietly taken over the channels through which new ideas and concepts have spread through society. The entertainment industry and the media industry are now dominated by corporate propaganda that bombards our senses from every angle until it becomes our reality. Social movements started with the best of intentions are quickly railroaded and re-directected to vent all there frustration on the wrong targets or even each other. The media fans these flames encouraging conflict and suppressing alternative views of any kind, and keeps us all distracted, fighting amongst ourselves over irrelevant issues, while the multi death corporations happily go about their work of mindless unthinking unregulated growth and accumulation of power. If we don't wake up to this and stop supporting them, they will in their uncaring mindlessness eventually consume everything including us. This song is an ode to their followers, the brain washed entitled consumer who would go to war over which pronoun they are referred to by with no concern for the concepts of equal opportunity and treatment for everyone regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or any other label that can be used to divide us into smaller groups. We are all one. Let's start behaving that way."

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